
Downloads featuring the Chapman Stick:

The Secret Race

The Stick recorded through:

From Flight to capture

The Stick recorded through:

Wielding an arsenal of basses, Tony Novak has become one of the most respected bassists in the Southeastern U.S. In recent years he has garnered much attention for his multi-instrumental approach and creative playing on the Chapman Stick. His "Grand Stick" is a 12-string instrument developed by Emmet Chapman of Stick Enterprises, Inc. The stick's extended range and warm tonalities has become an integral sound in much of Analog Missionary's music.

The Stick is a 'touch-instrument,' played by tapping the strings with both hands, as you would a piano.  It is equal parts guitar, bass, and percussion instrument.  With it, Tony can play bass lines, lead melodies, chords, and rhythm parts.  He utilizes it in conjunction with bass guitar, keyboards, & bass pedals (often simultaneously!)  to create parts that would generally require several musicians to duplicate.